Lead Registration Form

This form gathers information for MNJ Software about a lead you want to refer to MNJ Software . The more information you can provide the better chance of making a sale and paying your company a referral fee. Please provide as much of the requested information.

Please fill out the details below. Fields marked with (*) are mandatory

You - the person referring a lead to MNJ Software

About The Lead You Are Referring To MNJ Software

This opportunity is for which MNJ Software
Wish to be involved in MNJ Software sales cycle
Who from your company should be involved (name, contact info):
In what role?

Priority Lead Package - MNJ Software Referral Program

*Determination Type
*Revenue Range(Fiscal Year)
*Organisation Type

Executive Summary

Next Step for MNJ Software
Implementation Partner(s)
Intelligence Summary
*Purchase Time Frame
Implementation Time Frame
IT Buying Decision Authority
Budget Status
Lead Origination

Lead Details

RFP/RFI Information

Business Description

Purchase Process


IT Environment

*Number of Users
*IT Staff Count

MNJ Software Engagement Information

*Influencing Partner
*MNJ Software Meeting Details
*Demo Requested

Primary Contact

Additional Contacts

This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor & to prevent automated spam submissions.
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
    I Agree to/the terms and conditionsin the MNJ Software Referral Program Agreement.